迎麒麟 Yíng Qílín - Qilin Arrival: In the hopes of creating an animated short, and it's promotion, independently by artist Kandice K Zimbleman 任思麒 (Black UniGryphon 烏獨角獸) by staying true to self and what 1 believes in as a gift to the world.
Heidi doesn't have any quadroped animation walk cycles published, but I know she was working on some.
It's important to do quite a bit of practice for more walk cycles, and a lot more anatomy. I know human anatomy might seem unrelated, but Life Drawing actually improves skills and proportions quite a bit because it's helps hand-eye-coordination.
Back in August tons of things went down, some really good, and other very bad, including terrorism and hackers. (long story) But, I'm also working on an Independent Film, and some stuff went down in September which made me the new DP.
There's a Recap of stuff since Summer until now on my main art blog HERE, because I actually DID NOT KNOW until about a 1 1/2 week before classes started if I was still going back to UMASS Boston.
We did actually manage to do some animated bits for the animated short to learn Adobe Animate.
The short is called "Maple Bacon" and we'd recorded most of the audio in the Summer.
Here's the Animattics:
My first attempt at animating in Adobe Animate CC:
A Quick animation I did in Adobe Animate CC of Ancient Greek Art:
Some of Heidi's animation done in various Animation programs after studying from materials by legendary animator Richard Williams:
Experiments in Adobe After Effects (effects animation experiments):
I would like to resume working on "Maple Bacon" this month, hopefully starting this week, and hopefully wrap that up by next month. It will ONLY be produced in the rough Black & White.
I should also expect to publish the storyboards as well by next month.
I will, however, begin editing on the film I've been promoted to Director of Photography on this month and next month as well, "The Holy Maple Tree". I almost went to the Producer's house tonight, but I'm still recovering from illness and UMASS Finals. I also have an Art History Exam on the 19th early in the morning.
I will most likely continue my work study job in biology, but I am no longer enrolled in ANY classes at UMASS, but I am still technically a Matriculated Student, and therefore quakify for grants, scholarships, and other benefits. I might still try to start the "Life Drawing" Student run club at UMASS as well.... not sure yet... and no promises right now.
And, I still want to spend more time rigorously practicing walk cycles, run cycles, and Life Drawings.